Friday, October 16, 2009

Smile of the Day

The rest of this day is all about cuteness and happy things! Here are a few images that can't help but make me smile~ 
like the baby and mama donkey snuggling above. 
Can I hear a collective awwwwww? 

Paris and snow, two of my absolute favourite things in the world. Together they make me dreamy and happy, planning my next visit. Paris at Christmas?

Need I say anything? Off the charts cuteness! 

The most beautiful, cozy hide away bed~ I would like to escape here to read all the time!

Boy and baby elephant~ what is it about baby animals that make me mush inside? Love.

Revel in happiness and cuteness, today and all weekend. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god, those two donkeys are the cutest thing I've ever seen! An "awwwww" was definitely uttered.


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